
Peter David LoPresti, born July 27, 1951 in New York City. Father, Sicilian born in Tampa, Florida 1922, Mother, Hungarian Jew in Havana, Cuba 1928. They never married.

1954 Hollywood, Large Los Feliz homes caught my eyes, cast concrete bridges and light poles fascinated me. By the age of 14, jewelry was of primary interest. The Egg and The Eye Gallery was selling my pieces. School was never as interesting and put on hold.

Drawing, painting, jewelry were creative outlets. San Francisco selling leather belts and jewelry on the streets at 19. Then 3 years in Spain designing and created a line of jewelry using the Spanish Cave Paintings. Always pulled to ancient images, so complex in their simplicity. We are a stones throw from these artists, our wiring, fears and concerns the same. Kill or be Killed, Eat or be Eaten. In our progression through time these still are the main forces that drive man.

Twenty Four and back to the states began working construction. The evolution to Architect, Designer, Custom builder in Los Angeles, but always drawing and painting, self taught and following my inner dream visions.

Visions of layers upon layers of worlds and universes, all flowing and moving together where time disappears. Have always lived in dreams and the movement of forms and sounds.

Human beings, all vulnerable, simple, and complex, we clothe ourselves to try to scare away our deep survival fears. So sophisticated, and primal, our ancestors peeking over our shoulders reminding us that God must be sought, that a higher source of existence does remain our only true protection. We are flying through space, crashing into darkness, eyes open but blinded by speed.

Bob Dylan, MC Escher, Einstein, Henry Moore, Da Vinci, Addison Mizner and on and on and on, I have been held in a world of shapes and sounds and visions. Thank you for the guidance and encouragement to pursue the recording of an inner world that has more substance than the world our eyes see and then tries to force us believe really exists.

When you are dreaming it is truth.

When you wake it is a dream.

Peter D LoPresti

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